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Pet Club Corp

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Boss Dog & Cat Promotion

Boss Dog and Cat products are packed with a probiotic punch to help support healthy digestion, while also providing a wholesome and balanced diet. Probiotics are the good bacteria in the gut that aids in digestion, support the immune system and support better nutrient absorption.

Boss Raw Frozen Patties and Entrees are wholesome meals that resembles a diet akin to the wild with protein as the first ingredient.

  • Helps support digestion

  • Delivers essential nutrition

  • Contains millions of live and active cultures

  • No wheat, corn, or soy


Boss Dog Raw Frozen Patties
6 Lb


Boss Cat Raw Frozen Entrees
8 - 16 Oz


Available at all PET CLUB locations: Colma, Corte Madera, Cupertino, Elk Grove, Emeryville, Fairfield, Hayward, Rancho Cordova, Roseville, San Jose, San Mateo, Santa Rosa. Click here for store addresses.